Welcome. If you are looking for the Entertainment and Music Law
Resource Center it is here: If you are looking for professional legal services for your Label, Publishing Company or Artist(s) then read on! Whether you are an established Label, Publisher, or Musician or just entering the business we are available for consultation to smooth your transition or solve your problems. We promise, honest, accurate, current legal advice in a timely fashion.
If you are interested in hiring us to represent you then please read on to find out what services we provide and our fee policy. We are available for e-mail consultation if you are located in California. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this site are solely those of their respective authors. The information provided within this site is for informational purposes only. In some states, a general web site may constitute advertising. As such it is not legal advice. If you have questions pertaining to the information we suggest that you consult with an attorney. We will be happy to answer your questions but please be advised that such answers do not form an attorney client relationship. We are not your attorneys until we both agree in writing that such a relationship be established. With this in mind we hope that you find the information presented within these pages useful. To comport with the laws of those states which require Lawyers to give notice of advertising to customers This Web-site is ADVERTISING for the Law Office of Kelly F. Ryan, Kelly Ryan Attorney At Law.
Send mail to KRyanatLaw@aol.com
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